Learn Cloud Computing & Amazon Web Service (AWS)

Learn Cloud Computing & AWS starting from the basics, all the way up to advanced AWS Expert. Start learning with free courses and move your way up with optional paid courses.


I am working as Managing Enterprise Architect at Capgemini, helping customers in Cloud migration and application Modernisation. In the past, I have worked for Nordcloud, Ericsson and Verizon. Most of the work was related to Cloud migration on AWS cloud and training/upskilling internal IT professionals.


Pravin Mishra

AWS Finland Lead Architect - Capgemini

Featured Courses


1. Fundamentals of Cloud Computing
2. Cloud Computing basics, key concepts & benefits
3. AWS FREE Tier, How to create AWS account for FREE
4. AWS Security & Management Services
5. AWS Billing and Pricing
6. And many more...

Pravin Mishra


4 Module, 31 Video


This Cloud Computing with AWS course will take you from absolute beginner to AWS cloud professional. The course has everything right from fundamentals to practical demos of the core Amazon Web Services (AWS) services. This course is ideal for beginners, no cloud computing experience is required!

Pravin Mishra

RS 499

12 Module, 177 Video

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